Best Graffiti
Graffiti Artist
Graffiti Street Art

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Miss Idaho 1997 Sherrie Lorraine Belnap

Sherrie Lorraine Belnap
Roberts, Idaho
Age: 20

Rigby High School - 1995
Idaho State University - Junior; Ricks College - Graduate 1997

Platform Issue: Youth Leadership

Scholastic Ambition: To graduate with a masters degree in English.

Talent: Classical Piano

Scholastic Honors: Earned a music scholarship from Ricks College for piano, academic scholarship to Idaho State University, National Dean's List graduate

Other Accomplishments: Rigby's 1995 student body vice-president, Student of the Year, Homecoming Queen; numerous piano awards

Employment: Clothing department store supervisor for three years

Family: Father is a radiological controls manager. Mother is a music teacher. She has three brothers: Trever, 23, Kyle, 18, and David, 14

Career Ambition: To teach English literature.

Local Competition Sponsor: Miss Southern Idaho Pageant

State Competition Sponsor: Miss Idaho Scholarship Pageant, Boise

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