Best Graffiti
Graffiti Artist
Graffiti Street Art

Monday, February 15, 2010

MIss Missouri 2002 Shandi Finnessey

Shandi Finnessey
Florissant, Missouri
Age: 24

Incarnate Word High School
Lindenwood University Graduate

Platform Issue: Individuals with Mental Challenges

Scholastic Ambition: To obtain a doctorate in counseling

Talent: Piano Solo

Scholastic Honors: Dean’s List; PSY CHI (honors organization), and P.I.G. (Psychology Group)

Other Accomplishments: Has conducted research on androgyny which was published in the SEPA Journal; published a children’s educational book “The Furrtails”; Director for Best Buddies International pilot program at Lindenwood University

Family: Father is a criminal investigator. Mother is a special education teacher. She has three brothers, Paul, 32, Damion, 30, and Shane, 26.

Career Ambition: Plans to have her own counseling practice

Local Competition Sponsor: Miss Metro St. Louis

State Competition Sponsor: Miss Missouri Scholarship Pageant, Inc., Mexico

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