Best Graffiti
Graffiti Artist
Graffiti Street Art

Monday, February 15, 2010

MIss Missouri 2008 Lindsay J. Casmaer

Lindsay J. Casmaer
Hazelwood, Missouri
Age: 24

Hazelwood West High School
University of Pennsylvania

Platform Issue: Promoting Internet Safety Awareness Through Education

Scholastic Ambition: Obtain a Doctorate of Medicine

Talent: Ballet en Pointe

Scholastic Honors: 2004 Americorps "Scholar in Service" Award

Other Accomplishments: Working with the "Training the Trainers" program in Philadelphia developing a working infrastructure for computer classes within underserved communities taught me how to inspire others and encourage excellence.

Career Ambition: Practice women's health with an emphasis on preventative medicine.

Local Competition Sponsor: Miss River City

State Competition Sponsor: Miss Missouri Organization

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