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Graffiti Street Art

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Miss New Hampshire 2002 Mary Morin

Mary Morin
Bedford, New Hampshire
Age: 24

Manchester High School West
The University of New Hampshire, Durham Graduate

Platform Issue: Bridging Generations: Supporting Our Older Americans

Scholastic Ambition: Earn a Master’s and Ph.D. in Mass Communication

Talent: Classical Piano

Scholastic Honors: Graduated Summa Cum Laude; Presidential Scholar; received The University of New Hampshire Communication Department’s Highest Award

Other Accomplishments: Lobbied members of U.S. Senate and worked with U.S. Dept. of Health & Services & AARP to improve quality of life for our nation’s older Americans; Community & Membership Vice President for Greater Derry Chapter of U.S. Jaycees; wrote two independent research studies on the elderly and the media

Employment: Freelance news reporter; worked as a sales manager at a leading dept. store; interned in news & production at an ABC affiliate TV station; worked in Editor in Chief’s Office at a fashion magazine in New York City; management intern at a car rental company

Family: Father is a computer specialist. Mother is a registered nurse. She has one sister, Anne, 21.

Career Ambition: Work as a national TV news reporter and a university professor

Local Competition Sponsor: Miss Greater Derry

State Competition Sponsor: Miss New Hampshire Scholarship Program, Inc.

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