Best Graffiti
Graffiti Artist
Graffiti Street Art

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Miss Ohio 2000 Stephanie Meisberger

Stephanie Meisberger
Hopewell, Ohio
Age: 22

West Muskingham High School
Franklin University

Platform Issue: 4-H Awareness

Scholastic Ambition: To obtain a Master's Degree in Marketing and Communication

Talent: Vocal

Scholastic Honors: Dean's List; President's List; Selected to be the President of Franklin University's Chapter of the IABC

Other Accomplishments: President of the 4-H Club; Won Various 4-H Pin Awards; Selected for 4-H Club Congress

Employment: Assistant Director of Development, Alumni Relations and Annual Giving at Franklin University

Family: Father is a Chief Information Officer. Mother is a seamtress/child care provider. She has five sisters, Amanda, 24, Kristen, 13, Lindsay, deceased, Elisha, 19, and Julie, 6.

Career Ambition: To become a development director for the 4-H Foundation

Local Competition Sponsor: Miss North Coast

State Competition Sponsor: Miss Ohio Scholarship Program and Mansfield Area Chamber of Commerce, Mansfield

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