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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Miss Rhode Island 2003 Laurie Beth Gray

Laurie Beth Gray
Warwick, Rhode Island
Age: 22

Toll Gate High School
Harvard University Graduate

Platform Issue: Promoting Music Education

Scholastic Ambition: To become an M.D.

Talent: Classical Violin

Scholastic Honors: Summa Cum Laude (top 5% of graduating class); John Harvard Award (Dean’s List with highest honors); Phi Beta Kappa; Detur Award (awarded to top 5% academically of Harvard freshman class)

Other Accomplishments: Concertmaster of the Harvard Bach Society Orchestra; two-time American String Teachers’ Association State Solo Competition winner; concerto soloist with the Rhode Island College Orchestra; concertmaster of the Rhode Island All-State Orchestra for 3 years

Employment: Researcher in a skin cancer laboratory; director of a music festival dedicated to promoting peace through chamber music; private violin teacher

Family: Father is a professor of chemical engineering. Mother is an ophthalmic technologist. She has one sister, Cheryl, 26.

Career Ambition: To become a doctor and to play violin in a symphony orchestra or professional chamber music group

State Competition Sponsor: Miss Rhode Island Scholarship Program, Inc., Woonsocket

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